We lived in Bethel, Connecticut. It was a really snowy winter, hundreds of inches.
Heather was living with us and going to high school.
We were getting our condo ready to put on the market and beginning to pack for our big move west.
I was 29!
I had recently flown to Oregon and my family was able to meet me AT the gate.
The last time I ran was in junior high track.
I never thought about the milestone of passing '09 to '10. Didn't really think about everything that happened in that decade. It hit me more when I was just thinking back to the days before I had Avery. Everything has changed. I love my family and my life. I'm thankful for all my Oregon friends. What did I do without you? I'm thankful for my east coast friends. It takes some work to stay in touch and I really appreciate it. What would I do without you guys?
I never would have believed what I was in for. What can we get done in the next 10? I'm going to take it a day at a time. It's to big to imagine right now.
Quade and Nasdaq, pre-Avery