4 kids, various pets. I like to run, hike, ski, random road trips, take tons of pictures with my Nikon D40 in hopes that a couple turn out, and any new activity with calculated risks. I'm in school and at some point plan on having a medical based major. I love music.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mile 500

I am running the Newport Marathon on saturday. I'm not training as seriously as I did for Eugene, because this was just my backup marathon in case I didn't qualify in Eugene. I'm really looking forward to this one. I'm just going to enjoy it. No pressure, no time restraint. Hopefully no gross blisters or missing toenails!

It's been so rainy this week I hadn't done my last training run. I knew I would get to do it today when I woke up to some bright light peeking through some non-rain clouds. Ruth's miles have been very neer 500 and I thought I would hit them during the marathon. On my check of miles this morning I realized I would not only hit them on my 4 mile run today, but I would hit them in one of my favorite spots near my house. I took the camera with me since I had Irelin in the jogging stroller. It's Ruth's 10 month birthday tomorrow.

Here we are Ruthie girl, 500 miles